Easton Press
Easton Press, Jane Goodall "Reason For Hope: A Spiritual Journey" Signed First Edition w/COA [Sealed]
$450Personally signed by Jane Goodall This is a leather bound signed first edition of Dr. Jane Goodall's best-selling memoir - "Reason for Hope", a fascinating autobiography written by the famous...
Easton Press
Sidney Poitier "Life Beyond Measure" Signed First Edition, Leather Bound Collector's Edition w/COA [Sealed]
$375Personally signed by Sidney Poitier, one of the most revered actors in the history of Hollywood. SIGNED FIRST EDITION Easton Press, Norwalk CT. Sidney Poitier "Life Beyond Measure: Letters to My...
PS Publishing
Ray Bradbury "The Machineries of Joy" Signed Limited Deluxe Edition, No. 95 of 100, Tray-cased [Very Fine]
$675Personally signed by Ray Bradbury and Neil Gaiman PS Publishing 2010. Ray Bradbury "The Machineries of Joy". Personally signed by Ray Bradbury and Neil Gaiman directly onto the limitation page. This...
Easton Press
Stephen Jay Gould "The Lying Stones of Marrakech" Signed First Edition w/COA [Sealed]
$295Personally signed by Stephen Jay Gould Easton Press, Norwalk CT. 2000. Stephen Jay Gould "The Lying Stones of Marrakech". Signed First Edition with COA. Full genuine leather. Sealed. Limited to only...
Donald M. Grant Publishers
Stephen King "The Little Sisters of Eluria" Deluxe Signed Limited Artist Edition, First Edition, No. 746 of 4,000 [Sealed]
$850"The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed." Personally signed by the illustrator Michael Whelan VERY FINE. SEALED IN THE ORIGINAL SHRINK-WRAP WITHOUT ANY FLAWS...
Random House
Buzz Aldrin "Magnificent Desolation" Signed First Edition w/COA (Signed by Buzz Aldrin, one of the first men to walk on the moon)
$225Personally signed by Buzz Aldrin, one of the first men to walk on the moon! A beautiful signed first edition for your space library. Random House 2009 Buzz Aldrin "Magnificent Desolation: The...
Cemetery Dance Publications
Stephen King "Doctor Sleep" Signed Limited First Edition No. 298 of 750 Tray-cased
$2,100Personally signed by Stephen King, Erin Wells, and Vincent Chong. NUMBER 298 OF ONLY 750 PRODUCED IN THIS SPECIAL DELUXE EDITION A wonderful gift for the collector this holiday season. This...
Viking Press
John le Carre "A Legacy of Spies: A Novel" Signed Limited Edition of only 250, Slipcased [Sealed]
$675Personally signed by John Le Carre and Limited to only 250 London, Viking Press 2017. John le Carre "A Legacy of Spies: A Novel". Signed Limited Edition of only 250. This slipcased edition has been...
Easton Press
Mao Tse-Tung "Quotations From Chairman Mao Tse-Tung" Limited Collector's Edition, Leather Bound [Sealed]
$195A Leather-Bound Limited Edition of The "Little Red Book" Easton Press. Norwalk, CT. 1996. Mao Tse-tung "Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung". 252 pages. Limited Collector's Edition with special...
Easton Press
Dan Simmons "Hyperion" Limited Edition, Leather Bound Collector's Edition [Sealed]
$450A Rare Leather Bound Collector's Edition of Hyperion, a Masterwork of Science Fiction Norwalk, CT. Easton Press 1993. Dan Simmons "Hyperion". Limited Collector's Edition from the Masterpieces...
Easton Press
Easton Press "The Works of John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy" 5 Vol. Leather Bound Collector's Set [Very Fine]
$995A magnificent leather bound heirloom set that would make a wonderful addition to your library.Easton Press, Norwalk, CT. 1992 "The Works of John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy". A rare collection...
Lividian Publications
Joe Hill "20th Century Ghosts" Signed Limited Edition of 1,750 + Vincent Sammy Signed Art Card [Sealed]
$375Personally signed by Joe Hill and Christopher Golden Lividian Publications. December 2020. Joe Hill “20th Century Ghosts”. Signed Limited Edition of 1,750. Personally signed by...
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